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Frauen helfen Frauen Esslingen e.V.

Franziskanergasse 3
– Eingang Landolinsgasse –
73728 Esslingen
Telephone 0711 35 72 12

Postfach 100333
73703 Esslingen
Telephone 0711 37 10 41

How to find us

Frauen helfen Frauen Esslingen e.V.
Geschäftsstelle & Beratungsstelle
Franziskanergasse 3 (Entrance Landolinsgasse)
73728 Esslingen

How to reach us:
Via S-Bahn or train:
Get off at Esslingen Bahnhof and Take the Stadtmitte exit.
It is about a 10 minute walk: via “Bahnhofstraße” to Marktplatz, at “Alten Rathaus” go right at Fischbrunnenstraße as far as Milchstraße, and there turn left. Turn right at the 2nd crossroad “Landolinsgasse”.

Via bus:
Bus routes 108, 110, 111: The bus station connects directly with the train station. Get off at the “Neckarforum” stop.
Then by foot: go back approx. 100 metres in the opposite direction and turn left into “Landolinsgasse”.

Via car:
From the B10 from Stuttgart or Plochingen: Exit ES-Stadtmitte.
Parking spaces are limited in the city centre. The closest car parks are the Küferstrasse/Kiesstrasse/Altstadt car park and the Marktplatz/Behördenzentrum car park.

To the route planner

Immediate help

Emergency tel: 112
Police emergency tel: 110

Nationwide helpline for violence against women Tel: 08000 116 016 (free, confidential, multilingual and around the clock)
Telephone counselling:Tel: 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222 (free)